LaTosha Brown Inspires Garden City Community College Students

Alondra Fuentes

On January 20th, Garden City Community College celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day by inviting a motivational guest speaker LaTosha Brown who gave a powerful speech to inspire the students. Brown motivated by “connecting” with the audience through power and love. Going off of the infamous quote:

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Through power and love, Brown hoped to motivate students to “change the world in their envision.”  She also praised Garden City for its known diversity and was glad that the city consisted of diverse races. She encouraged the students living in the small community too, “shine your light” and make Garden City, KS one of the greatest cities in America. Brown said she was not nervous about her speech but excited to try and “shine the light” and “give love” to the students. As a big believer in love, Brown made sure that listeners felt love.

Brown has given a speech on King’s message, at several community colleges, churches, the International Space Center, and more. She was personally invited to Garden City Community College to inspire the students, and encourage the students to spread the legacy that Dr.King left. January 20th is not just a day to “pass by” however a day to celebrate differences and keep Martin Luther King’s story alive.