Finney County Farm Bureau hosts Friends on The Farm
February 20, 2020
On Friday, Jan. 24, over 700 fourth-grade students from surrounding schools, along with their teachers, attended Friends on the Farm Day at the Finney County Fairgrounds an event hosted by the Finney County Farm Bureau Board.
“The Friends on the Farm Day provides agricultural experiences that children may not otherwise be exposed to,” Roger Glenn, the Finney County Board President, said. “It allows them to firsthand see where their food comes from.”
Each class participated in six rotations. Some of the brief sessions included cotton production, American Implement, soil layers, cattle byproducts, and swine production. Collegiate Farm Bureau members from Garden City Community College were involved in the event by being group leaders. This created an opportunity for the fourth-grade students to have a mentor to look up to and showed them that involvement in the agriculture industry is possible at any age.
Emily Glenn, a Colligate Farm Bureau Member and student at Garden City Community College, was a presenter at the event and taught students about the swine industry. Glenn lives on a hog farm and has shown pigs throughout her childhood. This was the 21st year the Finney County Farm Bureau has hosted this event and they hope to continue to provide this opportunity in the future to strengthen agriculture and the lives of Kansans through advocacy, education, and service.