GCCC Student Resources 2020-2021

August 25, 2020
Campus Closet
The GCCC Campus Closet was inspired to provide students on campus with necessities not limited too: personal hygiene products (shampoo, conditional, soaps and lotions, feminine products), help with food and security as well as coats and school supplies and other items that have been donated. The Campus Closet is located in the Academic Building and can be accessed through the office between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm., or can be contacted through email.
If a student forgets their mask at home or doesn’t have one, they can find a mask by visiting the office in every campus building. The Registration Office provides many of these services, however, students can receive masks on most parts of the campus.
Work Study
The GCCC Campus offers students various opportunities to take up jobs around the campus. For more information on Work Study and Financial Aid opportunities visit: https://www.gcccks.edu/tuition_cost/general_information.aspx
(Images of Campus Closet taken by Preston Broadway)
Campus Police
The GCCC Campus Police are committed to protecting students, faculty, and the general public while on campus.
In case of an emergency, call 911. Some telephone systems may require a number to be dialed prior to dialing a 911 operator.
In case of reporting non-emergencies, the Campus Police can be contacted at 620-272-6828 and be prepared to;
- Identify yourself
- State where you are calling from
- State briefly the nature of your call.
GCCC offers various options for students to receive assistance in getting your degree. With current events, online tutoring is also being offered via Zoom meeting. Studies can also be done in the Writing Center on campus.