Phases Fluctuate

Abby Parr, Co- Editor

The Corona Virus has put a dent on this past year of learning not only here at Garden City Community College, but the rest of the world as well. We have no control over these circumstances, but we can make the most of what we have. Currently, the college is sitting at a phase three of the three phase scale. This means that face masks are to be worn on campus while in the building, as well as respecting those around us by keeping them on during class hours. Circumstances are changing every day and at this point things are so unpredictable that it can change from week to week. There are more restrictions on sporting events and other activities here on campus after going up to a level 3. Facial masks are to be worn and social distancing is highly recommended. The school nurse, Patricia Miller says she thinks this was a step in the right direction. “ Due to the current positivity rate, increased hospitalizations and for the health and safety of GCCC students and employees, I think moving to a level 3 was a good decision. Proactive measures include wearing masks during surges and in high-risk areas, staying home when you are sick, and consulting with your physician about weather the vaccine is right for you,” Miller stated. Students should be scanning the QR code as they walk into every class. This is in case if someone happens to get the virus; the college will know who was within close distance to that person so they can be notified. Vaccinations are highly recommended and available to those who want it. There is also a way for students to receive money towards school just by having their vaccinations.